Avocados are an incredibly versatile complement to a wide range of ingredients: in taste, texture and functionality. OVĀVO FREEZE DRIED AVOCADO POWDER can be used in everything from sauces & spreads, to chocolate & ice-cream, in your morning smoothie, or as a healthy plant based substitute to butter in baking.
Have a go, here are a few recipes ideas to get you started:
Avocado Super Smoothie
Tortilla Wraps
Muesli Bars
Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Avocados are one of the most nutrient dense foods – the only fruit containing protein, carbohydrate, and fat – with a number of nutritional benefits:
✓ good source of dietary fibre
✓ source of niacin B3
✓ source of pantothenic acid B5
✓ good source of vitamin B6
✓ source of vitamin C
✓ source of vitamin E
✓ source of copper
✓ source of potassium
✓ good source of folate.
There are a wide range of positive health benefits linked to avocado consumption, including:
✓ Digestive health
✓ Brain and nervous system
✓ Energy & metabolism (including tiredness & fatigue)
✓ Joint health
✓ Growth & development in children
✓ Heart & circulation
✓ Immune function & inflammation
✓ Hormonal function
✓ Skin & eye health
✓ Cell & tissue growth
✓ Bone health
✓ Prevention of oxidative damage
✓ Weight management